Should Huskies be neutered?

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Some Siberian Huskies deviate to some extent from the registered standard in appearance, size, action, temperament, or they have known hereditary defects are not used for breeding by responsible breeders. These dogs are automatically spayed or neutered by reputable breeders.

The use of such a dog for breeding is evidence of careless and unconcerned breeding. They can still make lovable and loving pets, so don’t be put off if you have fallen in love with a “less than perfect” specimen and are not concerned too much about pedigree – be warned, however, that you will need to be on the lookout for health or personality issues in your Husky – and you MUST spay or neuter your animal for the good of the breed as a whole.

Siberian Huskies have become very popular, and you may be tempted to breed your beloved pet in a misguided effort to make a profit or experience the wonder of the circle of life. DON’T! If you are actually able to make a profit breeding and selling Siberian huskies or Alaskan Huskies, you are not doing it with the care and concern that you should be exercising! This careless production of animals is not beneficial to the breed and is most often very harmful. Only quality Siberian or Alaskan Huskies bred by knowledgeable breeders in an effort to improve the breed should be bred.

Careless and uninformed breeding will only serve to harm those virtues and characteristics valued most in the Siberian Husky. Most responsible breeders require this by selling Siberian Husky pets with Spay/Neuter contracts and limited registrations. There are several important reasons for this recommendation:

1. Neutered animals are normally healthier and usually live longer than unneutered animals.

2. Veterinarians, breeders, and animal behaviorists agree that IT IS NOT HELPFUL OR FULFILLING FOR A FEMALE DOG TO HAVE PUPPIES. They are not people, and do not have a “biological clock” of any kind. Having puppies is a major and often risky event for female dogs, and even under the best of circumstances, it can lead to serious physical problems or even death.

3. Spaying a female Siberian Husky before her first season greatly reduces the risk of mammary tumors later in life. A spayed female will also not suffer the danger of life-threatening uterine infections as she grows older.

4. Neutering a male removes the possibility of testicular cancer. In addition, the dogs will have a much lower risk of developing prostate problems. Also, a neutered male will generally be more tolerant of other male dogs.

Spaying or neutering will not change the basic disposition of the Siberian Husky, and neither procedure will turn your special pet into a fat and lazy couch potato. Too many special treats and too little exercise do that!