Boy or Girl Husky – Which Is Best?

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We’ve received a ton of questions about whether prospective new Husky owners should pick a guy or girl dog. While the main differences between the sexes are discussed in this article about male or female Huskies, it can’t hurt to have some more in-depth and updated knowledge!

Here are 5 common frequently-asked questions about the differences between boy and girl Huskies.

1. Boy or Girl Husky – Which Is Better-Looking?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. YOUR Husky will always be the best-looking that ever lived, regardless of its gender! The truth is that there is not much difference between the sexes when it comes to looks, in the Husky world.

Male Huskies are generally larger on average than the females. The standard weight for males is 45 – 60lb, and for females 35 – 50lb. It’s very common to get a smaller male Husky and a larger female in the same litter.

If you want to make sure you’re feeding your boy or gal properly, this Doggy Calorie Counter will work out the numbers for you. You want to prevent doggy obesity – it’s unfair and unkind to them, and it’s dangerous.

naughty husky obese

It’s been reported by both owners and breeders that male Huskies often have a shaggier “mane” around their neck and shoulders than females. However, some females are also exceptionally shaggy and fuzzy – Huskies are not lions! Fuzziness is a genetic trait that is passed down families, and doesn’t apply to only one gender.

2. Boy or Girl Husky – Which Is a Better Guard Dog?

The answer to this question is, simply, neither. You might think a Husky looks like a wolf, and will chase off any intruder. However, Huskies are very different from wolves in temperament and character. Even tame wolves won’t guard your property – they simply have very little interest in humans, and prefer to hide rather than confront.

Both male and female Huskies are amiable creatures who will probably try to smother an intruder with love and kindness, rather than chase them off.

If you buy a Husky thinking it’s a big and intimidating dog that will deter burglars – sorry to burst your bubble, but Huskies of either sex just aren’t fierce or territorial enough to guard your property. And if you’ve ever bathed your Husky, you’ll know that their so-called big size is mainly fur!

If you really want a guard dog, it’s best to consider a breed that can be trained as one – like a German Shepherd or a Rottweiler.

3. Boy or Girl Husky – Which Is Easier To Train?

If you visit a training class full of female and male Huskies of the same age, you might notice that the females seem calmer and easier to handle, while the male pups are acting up.

The reason for this is that female Huskies mature a tad bit quicker than the guys – so they’re easier to train consistently from a young age. If you have human children, you might have noticed the same thing!

As the pups grow (both human and doggy), the boys catch up with the girls, and they all progress in their training at the same rate. 

Training with your Husky is vital to make sure they are able to look to you for leadership. This makes them feel happy and secure. Never forget that Huskies absolutely LOVE training, working, and being as busy as possible with you throughout their lives.

If you don’t think you can handle a pet that needs that much attention, then consider getting a quieter breed. Basset Hounds top the list of “most chill dog breeds in existence”!

4. Boy or Girl Husky – Which Is More Aggressive?

Some people believe a male dog is naturally more aggressive, thanks to good ol’ testosterone. Others believe a female dog is fiercer, because of her instincts to protect her potential pups against any kind of danger.

This is a debatable issue, but the fact is that Husky boys and girls are pretty much equal – it all depends on how you train and handle them from a young age, and whether your Husky is neutered or not. All Huskies are energetic, charismatic, curious, and full of personality – and need lots of exercise and activity.

If you have more than one dog in your family, both male and female Huskies will tend to act dominant if they’re the older dog.

Make sure you introduce your older dogs to any new pups or adopted dogs in a calm and controlled manner, and observe them carefully until everyone’s used to everyone else. Don’t be alarmed if there is some yapping and sulking and other slight upsets at first – it’s all part of them getting to know each other.

Ensure that your older dogs have somewhere private to go and relax out of reach of any rambunctious pups!

Huskies all have a very high prey drive – which means their instinct is to chase smaller animals. This isn’t technically a sign of aggression, though you have to be vigilant to make sure none of your smaller fur kids get hurt.

If you have cats in the same house as your Husky, make sure they have somewhere they can go to get away, like this Frisco 72-inch cat climbing tree from Chewy.  If you have pets like rabbits or rats in the same household as a Husky – sorry, but they just won’t be safe unless they’re kept completely separated at all times.

5. Boy or Girl Husky – Which Is More Expensive?

Huskies of either gender cost around the same in food and other supplies. A larger Husky might eat slightly more than a smaller one, but Huskies are naturally not big eaters in general.

Many dog owners have noticed that both female and male Huskies have a better temperament after spaying or neutering. They’re more relaxed and less distracted without all those pesky hormones.

Remember that dogs are not people – they won’t have any worries about “missing out” on romance or growing a family. If you’re not going to breed your Husky, neutering and spaying is doing them a kindness. Responsible and sensible pet owners put their animals’ wellbeing first.

Spaying a female dog is more expensive than neutering a male – it’s an invasive op, after all. But you’ll save yourself headaches and guilt from trying to keep her isolated while she’s in heat, and you’ll save in possible future vet bills from her getting illnesses of the reproductive organs as she ages.

Both boy and girl Huskies do better if you take them to training classes, and keep them active for as long as you can. This can be costly, both in time and money – but they’re MORE than worth it, right?